Order of the Medjedie (1861-1870)

Top money paid for high quality Orders from around the world. Contact Jonathan Godwin at jonathangodwinbuyer@gmail.com This is a superb quality Order of the Medjedie. This is an early version featuring the tughra of Abdulaziz, 32nd Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Beautifully manufactured...

Ghuznee Medal 1839

GHUZNEE MEDAL 1839 Very sought after and much wanted medal, it was the second medal issued, after the Waterloo Medal. Issued to both British Forces and those of the Honourable East India Company. The medal was based on a design by John Luard, a British army officer and artist, and struck at the...

Victorian Canada General Service Medal 1866 – 1870

Canada General Service Medal The Canada General Service Medal was issued for the 1866 – 1870 campaigns. The medal had 3 clasps. The clasps of the Canada General Service Medal. The 3 clasps were – Fenian Raid 1866, Fenian Raid 1870 and Red River 1870. The RED RIVER clasp is highly sought...

Boxer Rebellion, China War Medal 1900

China War Medal 1900, Boxer Rebellion, Relief of Pekin China War Medal 1900, Boxer Rebellion. These have a wide range of value dependent on clasp. The most sought after clasp is the DEFENCE OF LEGATIONS clasp for which we pay in excess of £8,000. Other clasps are Taku Forts, and Relief of Pekin....

Recently paid prices

See below recently paid prices for single campaign and campaign medal groups. Submit your enquiry on form or call me, Jonathan Godwin, on 07765 595662 to discuss what you have. Average price paid for a Trafalgar clasp medal £7000.00 Rare Indian Mutiny & New Zealand medal pair – average...

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